Appendix A6.
Instrumental Variables (IV) analysis | |
Outcome | Estimate (Robust Standard Error) |
Utilization | |
Log(Frequency of chemotherapy drug claims) | −0.07(0.03)* |
Log(Frequency of chemotherapy administration claims) | −0.06(0.02)** |
Spending ($) | |
Log(Chemotherapy drug spending) | 0.18(0.05)*** |
Log(Chemotherapy administration spending) | 0.08(0.04)** |
Treatment mix | |
Log(Chemotherapy drug spending per claim) | 0.25(0.04)*** |
First-Stage Statistics | |
Estimate on instrument (Robust Standard Error) | 0.71(0.01)*** |
F-Statistic | 5,442.43 |
N | 81,899 |
Notes: Oncologist fixed effects are included in all models. Covariates controlled for in all models are year dummies, patient demographic characteristics, chronic condition indicators, cancer type, metastasis indicator, and ZIP-level socio-economic variables; Spending measures are adjusted to 2013 dollars;
p < 0.10,
p < 0.05,
p < 0.01.