Figure 1.
Johns Hopkins Resuscitation Performance Debriefing tool. Using data from the defibrillator, electronic health record, and bedside monitor, the performance debriefing tool is used to comprehensively evaluate performance. A timeline visualizes quality of the resuscitation in terms of: (1) excellent epochs of CPR; (2) depth, rate, and interruptions in chest compressions; (3) defibrillation timing and peri‐shock pause durations; (4) defibrillator‐based ETCO 2 values achieved throughout; and (5) key events (associated with chest compression interruptions). Core performance metrics are presented numerically and graphically with reference targets. Optimization methods and physiology‐based CPR techniques are presented including the use of backboard, stepstool, CPR coach, ETCO 2 and arterial blood pressure (ie, ETCO 2 and/or diastolic blood pressure goals were stated and used to guide chest compression quality). Proportions of minutes compliant for depth, rate, and chest compression fraction are depicted as pie charts; interruptions are presented as a histogram. CPR indicates cardiopulmonary resuscitation; ETCO 2, end‐tidal carbon dioxide; ROSC, Return of Spontaneous Circulation.