Johns Hopkins Resuscitation Room Diagram Tool. Facilitates understanding of the spatial issues of a cardiac arrest event, should also capture the dynamic nature of every resuscitation. Use of the Room Diagram Tool emphasizes: the number of people in the room, sight lines, ergonomics, and communication. A, A blank tool, (B) initial phase of a resuscitation with patient, team and equipment drawn in, and (C) tool after areas of concern were discussed (eg, orange circle indicating source of noise) as well as how equipment was moved based on priority (eg, red arrow indicating ECMO equipment moving from hallway to bedside). Can be used for an event that happened to debrief retrospectively or can be used to design an the “ideal event” prospectively. CARDS indicates cardiology; DRIP, IV pole with multiple medication pump; ECHO, Echocardiogram machine; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; GPS, General Pediatric Surgery; HFOV, High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilator; MED, medical; PICU, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit; RN, Registered Nurse.