Table 1.
Results of glycocin precursor genes coexpression with palS and palT
Coexpressed genes | palA-his | sunA-his | hyp1-his | hyp2-his | enfA4-9-his | gccF-his |
No coexpression (only precursor peptide) | NA, NM, NLC | NA, NM, NLC | NA, NM, NLC | NA, NM, NLC | NA, NM, NLC | NA, NM, NLC |
Coexpression with palS | +, Glc, NLC | +, Glc, NLC | +, Glc, NLC | NA, Glc, NLC | NA, NM, NLC | NA, NM, NLC |
Coexpression with palT | NA, NM, leader cleaved | NA, NM, NLC | NA, NM, NLC | NA, NM, NLC | NA, NM, NLC | NA, NM, NLC |
Coexpression with palST | +, Glc, leader cleaved | +, Glc, NLC | +, Glc, NLC | NA, Glc, NLC | NA, NM, NLC | NA, NM, NLC |
Glc refers to the peptide’s modification with a mass of +162; plus symbol refers to the presence of antibacterial activity of the purified peptide
NA no activity, NM no modifications, NLC no leader cleavage, palA-his pallidocin precursor, sunA-his sublancin precursor, hyp1-his putative glycocin precursor Hyp1, hyp2-his putative glycocin precursor Hyp2, enfA4-9-his enterocin F4-9 precursor, gccF-his glycocin F precursor