Figure 5.
Effect of post-anthesis NO3− availability on N fluxes. Plants were grown hydroponically on 0.2 mM NO3− and transferred at anthesis to (a) 0.01, (b) 0.2 or (c) 10 mM NO3−. Left arrows (red): post-anthesis remobilization of pre-anthesis N pools from vegetative plant parts. Right arrows (blue): post-anthesis NO3− uptake. Arrows indicate the N fluxes from/to spikes, shoots or roots; values of the fluxes (mgN) are specified above the arrows. Bold values at the bottom of the panels correspond to total N remobilization (left) and total NO3− uptake (right) at the plant level (mgN). Percentages above the spikes indicate the proportion of grain N originating from remobilization (left) and from post-anthesis uptake (right). Total N quantities in spikes, shoots and roots after full senescence of the plants are indicated by circles on the right of each panel; absolute values (mgN) are indicated; distribution of N quantity between spikes, shoots and roots are specified in brackets (% of the plant total N). Values correspond to the mean of 5 (panel a) or 7 (panels b and c) biological replicates +/−SD. Raw data (DW, N content and 15N enrichment of the different plant parts) and results of statistical tests are presented in Supplementary tables ST2 and ST3, respectively.