Table 2.
Distribution of Culture Source for ES-GNR, ER-GNR, ACS-GNR, and ACS-GNR (P < .001 for X2 Test for Both ER and ACR)
Source | ES-GNR | ER-GNR | ACS-GNR | ACR-GNR |
Blood | 11.2% | 10.8% | 12.1% | 8.4% |
Urine | 45.6% | 32.5% | 42.1% | 11.2% |
Respiratory | 20.4% | 36.8% | 23.7% | 61.6% |
Externala | 8.3% | 8.4% | 8.1% | 7.9% |
Other | 14.5% | 11.6% | 14.0% | 10.9% |
Abbreviations: ACR, antipseudomonal (nonertapenem) carbapenem resistance; ACR-GNR, antipseudomonal (nonertapenem) carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative rods; ACS-GNR, antipseudomonal carbapenem-susceptible Gram-negative rods; ER, ertapenem resistance; ER-GNR, ertapenem-resistant Gram-negative rods; ES-GNR, ertapenem-susceptible Gram-negative rods.
aExternal: skin or wound source.