Figure 4.
A comparison between functional and effective connectivity. The functional connectivity map was obtained by first averaging 550 268 × 268 Pearson correlation matrices obtained from 550 subjects. Subsequently, the resulting 268 × 268 matrix was further summarized according to 268 brain areas. This yielded a vector containing 268 values, each of which corresponds to the “connectiveness” of a brain area to the rest of brain areas. The effective connectivity map was obtained by first averaging 550 268 × 268 F-matrices obtained from 550 subjects. Subsequently, the resulting 268 × 268 matrix was further summarized according to 268 brain areas, into three vectors. The first vector contained 268 values, each of which corresponds to how much information flow is flowing into a particular brain area from other brain areas (afferent flow). The second vector also contained 268 values, each of which corresponds to how much information flow was flowing out from a particular brain area to other brain areas (efferent flow). The third vector was obtained by subtracting the efferent flow from the afferent flow, indicating the net information flow entering each brain area. Finally, the association between functional and effective connectivities can be quantified by correlating the functional connectivity vector with each of the three effective connectivity vectors.