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. 2019 Mar 8;61:12. doi: 10.1186/s13028-019-0447-3

Table 2.

History, clinical signs, laboratory values (at admission) and clinical pathology of foals with equine proliferative enteropathy (n = 5)

Parameter Unit Reference Mean ± SD Range Number
 Duration of disease before admission (days) 3 ± 2 1 to 7 5
Clinical signs
 Heart rate Bpm 28–44 58 ± 9 48 to 76 5
 Respiratory rate Rpm 12–24 18 ± 5 12 to 24 5
Complete blood count and biochemistry
 Packed cell volume L/L 0.32–0.50 0.41 ± 0.07 0.37 to 0.52 5
 Leukocyte count 109/L 5.45–12.65 11.51 ± 3.14 8.47 to 17.00 5
 Neutrophil count 109/L 2.26–7.22 6.13 ± 3.47 1.20 to 10.80 5
 Serum protein g/L 57.0–74.0. 30.1 ± 4.2 25.1 to 34.6 5
 Albumin g/L 28.0–40.0 15.8 ± 2.8 13.0 to 19.7 5
 Fibrinogen g/L 0.0–4.0 6.3 ± 2.2 4.2 to 10.6 5
 Serum amyloid A mg/L 0–30 943 ± 1366 108 to 3643 5
 Iron μmol/L 13.1–43.0 10.0 ± 3.4 4.0 to 12.8 5
 Gamma-glutamyl transferase U/L 4–19 6 ± 2 4 to 8 4
 Total bilirubin μmol/L 0.0–52.0 34.7 ± 8.2 22.7 to 41.9 5
 Creatinine μmol/L 30–130 102 ± 18 80 to 129 5
 Creatinine kinase U/L 0–348 267 ± 127 134 to 487 5
 Asparate transaminase U/L 228–366 168 ± 38 128 to 227 5
 Sodium mmol/L 136–142 122 ± 3 119 to 126 5
 Potassium mmol/L 2.6–5.0 3.1 ± 0.4 2.8 to 3.8 5
 Chloride mmol/L 99–109 98 ± 4 93 to 105 5
 Ionised calcium mmol/L 1.40–1.72 1.26 ± 0.08 1.14 to 1.34 5
 Total magnesium mmol/L 0.66–0.95 0.43 ± 0.08 0.29 to 0.52 5
 Lactate mmol/L 0.0–2.0 2.8 ± 2.0 0.7 to 6.2 5
 Glucose mmol/L 4.3–9.0 7.8 ± 2.4 6.5 to 11.3 5
 pH 7.32–7.55 7.32 ± 0.07 7.20 to 7.40 5
 Bicarbonate mmol/L 24.0–30.0 20.0 ± 1.5 18.0 to 22.0 4
 Base excess − 4.0–4.0 − 6.1 ± 0.9 − 7.1 to − 6.2 3
 Triglycerides mmol/L 0.1–0.9 0.7 ± 0.1 0.6 to 0.8 2
Peritoneal fluid
 Protein g/L 0.0–10.0 4.5 ± 7.8 0.0 to 18.0 4
 Total nucleated cell count 109/L 0.0–10.0 5.3 ± 6.2 0.2 to 14.2 3

Italics text: value outside reference range

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure