Table 3.
Diagnostic test results of foals diagnosed with equine proliferative enteropathy 2008–2016
Case | Age (months) | Outcome | Fecal rtPCR | IMPA (admission) | IMPA (8 weeks) | WSa | IFa | FISHa |
1 | 7 | NS | Positive | 1:100 | NP | Negative | Negative | Negative |
2 | 6 | S | Positive | < 1:25 | NP | NP | NP | NP |
3 | 6 | S | Positive | 1:50 | 1:200 | NP | NP | NP |
4 | 7 | NS | NP | 1:480 | NP | Negative | Positive | Negative |
5 | 6 | NS | NP | < 1:25 | NP | NP | Positive | Positive |
Italics: confirmative of equine proliferative enteropathy
NS non-survival, S survival, rtPCR real time polymerase chain reaction, IMPA immunomonolayer peroxidase assay, WS Warthin-Starry staining, IF immunofluorescence, FISH fluorescence in situ hybridization, NP not performed
aFormalin-fixed ileum samples