Table 5.
Disorders |
(mean±sd) |
Attributable Burden due to Disorder | Comparison with Specific Phobia without comorbidity | Comparison with Specific Phobia with Comorbidity |
Celiac Disease | 35.8±5.7 | 2.4±1.0 (N=60) | df 1,86,87 F= 81.208 p<0.0001 |
df 1,84,85 F=19.349 p<0.0001 |
Multiple Sclerosis | 29.5± 7.3 | 7.0±3.5 (N=201) | df 1,227,228 F= 98.312 p<0.0001 |
df 1,234,235 F=10.355 p=0.001 |
Wilson’s Disease | 33.8±9.0 | 4.4±1.7 (N=23) | df 1,49,50 F= 115.856 p<0.0001 |
df 1,49,50 F=0.123 p=0.728 |
Carotid Atheriosclerosis | 30.6±8.1 | 6.2±5.0 (N=46) | df 1,72,73 F= 36.759 p<0.0001 |
df 1,70,71 F=1.861 p=0.177 |
Major Depressive Disorder | 33.8±9.2 | 5.6±3.6 (N=37) | df 1,63,64 F= 102.370 p<0.0001 |
df 1,61,62; F=0.950 p=0.334 |
Eating Disorders | 34. ±6.2 | 4.4±6.6 (N=60) | df 1,86,87 F= 10.135 p<0.0001 |
df 1,84,85 F=0.047 p=0.829 |
Panic Disorders | 35.5±4.6 | 2.9±0.9 (N=123) | df 1,149,150 F= 175.987 p<0.0001 |
df 1,147,148 F=7.370 p=0.007 |
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder | 35.4±6.9 | 2.9±6.0 (N=88) | df 1,114,115 F= 4.799 p<0.031 |
df 1,112,113 F=2.085 p=0.152 |
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder | 36.3±6.1 | 3.9±1.0 (N=26) | df 1,52,53 F= 183.224 p<0.031 |
df 1,50,51 F=1.078 p=0.304 |
Specific Phobia Without comorbidity |
38.3±5.2 | 0.4±4.9 (N=28) | df 1,52,53 F= 33.855 p<0.031 |
Specific Phobia with comorbidity | 33.10±7.1 | 4.7±3.8 (N=26) | df 1,52,53 F= 33.855 p<0.031 |