Figure 5.
Effects of EA on the formation of endogenous ICA69-PICK1 and PICK1-GluR2 complexes. (A) Endogenous protein was collected from SDH. Representative Western blot bands of ICA69, GluR2, and PICK1 in WT mice by co-IP. (B and C) Quantitative analyses of ICA69 and GluR2 to evaluate the ability of binding to PICK1. Increased ICA69 and reduced GluR2 interactions were observed with PICK1 in the CFA+EA group (n = 3, group values are indicated by mean ± SEM; **P < 0.01). (D) Electroacupuncture caused an increase in colocalization between endogenous ICA69 (red) and PICK1 (green) on the ipsilateral side in SDH. CFA, complete Freund adjuvant; EA, electroacupuncture; SDH, spinal dorsal horn; WT, wild-type.