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. 2017 Sep 27;15(4):1415–1437. doi: 10.1007/s11150-017-9389-6

Table 4.

The impact of flexible work on couples’ synchronous working time, by age of children, controlling for industry, sector and occupation

Youngest child under 5 years Youngest child over 5 years
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Has flexitime (m or f) 0.973** 0.467 0.781* 0.722*
(0.478) (0.516) (0.401) (0.388)
Annualized hours (m or f) –2.070** –1.740** –0.186 –0.084
(0.722) (0.628) (0.528) (0.515)
Control over work hours (m or f) –0.533 –0.671 –0.363 –0.210
(0.579) (0.576) (0.506) (0.498)
Industry and sector controls Yes Yes Yes Yes
Occupation controls No Yes No Yes
N (couples) 256 495

OLS estimates at couple level, weighted for survey design and non-response. Standard errors in parentheses. Models include (for each spouse) daily work duration, age and age squared, highest educational qualification, log hourly wage, and region. Industry/sector controls consist of 15 dummy variables based on SIC92 divisions and a dummy variable for public vs private sector. Occupation controls are 8 occupation dummy variables based on SOC 1990 major groups. Industry/sector and occupation enters separately for each spouse. The number of couples with flexitime is 48 (in columns 1 and 2) and 78 (columns 3 and 4)

* Significant at 10% level

** Significant at 5% level