Figure 2.
Complex Spike Cell Firing on Square Track Environment in Developing Rats
(A) Schematic of experimental paradigm. Rats explored a square track during RUN and rested in a separate holding box in the same room before (PRE-sleep) and after (POST-sleep) track exploration.
(B) Example place field maps for RUN sessions on square track at different ages. For each age, each row represents the spatial firing of one cell along the length of the square track, filtered for one running direction. False colors show firing rate, scaled to the peak firing rate for each cell. Cells are ordered according to position of peak spatial firing on the track. Dashed white lines indicate the corners of the square track.
(C and D) CS cell spatial firing evenly covers the extent of the square track.
(C) Mean spatial distributions of normalized firing rate of all CS cells recorded within each age group.
(D) Histograms showing the proportion of CS cell peak spatial firing locations at different positions on the square track within each age group.