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. 2019 Mar 8;9:3947. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-40418-8

Table 2.

Data-collection and refinement statistics. Values in parentheses are for the outer shell.

Data Collection LpxA
Ligand added Peptide CR20
Data collection
Wavelength (Å) 1.5415
Resolution range (Å) 21.65–1.60 (1.69–1.60)
Space group P213
a = b = c (Å) 96.73
CC1/2 (%) 94.80 (76.70)
Unique reflections 34668 (2647)
Completeness (%) 99.84 (100)
Mean I/σ(I) 14.2(3.9)
Wilson B factor (Å2) 23.684
R merge a 0.078 (0.085)
R factor b 0.1910 (0.453)
R free c 0.2260 (0.3850)
No. of atoms 2500
No. of waters 400
No. of protein residues 274
R.m.s.d., bonds (Å) 0.007
R.m.s.d., angles (°) 1.091
Ramachandran favored (%) 98.5
Ramachandran outliers (%) 0
B factors (Å 2 )
Protein 23.68
Ligand 25.68
Solvent 38.90
All-atom clash score 2.85
Molprobity score 1.07 (99th percentile)

Resolution limit was defined as the highest resolution shell where the average I/σ(I) was 2.

aRmerge = ΣhklΣi|Ii(hkl) − <I(hkl)>|/ΣhklΣiI(hkl).

bRfactor = Σ|Fo − Fc|/ΣFo. Five percent of the reflections was used to calculate cRfree.