Table 3.
Assessment Modes by Study.
End of Day | Momentary | ||||||||
Reporting Frame | Today | Today | Today | Today | Right Now | Right Now | Right Now | Right Now | Right Now |
Response Content | Freq. | Freq. | Intens. | Intens. | Intens. | Intens. | Intens. | Intens. | Intens. |
Response Scale | Likert | Likert | VAS | Likert | Likert | Likert | Likert | VAS | Likert |
Response Options | 0=None of the time 1=A little of the time 2=Some of the time 3=Most of the time 4=All of the time |
0=None of the time 1=A little of the time 2=Some of the time 3=Most of the time 4=All of the time |
0=Not at all 100=Extremely |
l=Not at all 4=Moderately 7=Extremely |
0=Not at all 6=Very much |
l=Not at all 7=Extremely |
0=Not at all 6=Very much |
0=Not at all 100=Extremely |
l=Not at all 4=Moderately 7=Extremely |
Source | Kessler et al. (2002), Mroczek & Kolarz (1998) |
Watson, Clark, & Tellegan (1988) | Diener & Emmons (1984) |
Russel (1980) Watson & Clark (1999) |
Diener & Emmons (1984) | Watson, Clark, & Tellegan(1988) | Diener & Emmons (1984) | Diener & Emmons (1984) |
Russel (1980)
Watson & Clark (1999) |
Note. Freq.: Frequency (i.e., how often), Intens.: Intensity (i.e., how much). VAS: Visual Analog Scale. The columns list the studies used in this project. These descriptions apply to both negative and positive affect items described in Table 1. Reporting frame refers to whether participants were instructed to report on their emotions for the day (today) or the moment (right now). Response Content refers to whether participants were instructed to report on the frequency (i.e., how often) or the intensity (i.e., how much) of the emotion. Response Scale refers to whether participants rated their emotions using a Likert-type scale with discrete categories or a continuous slider. Response Options refers to the anchor points and values on the response scale. Source refers to the article or articles from which the emotion items were selected or modified. ESCAPE and SAWM are hybrid designs containing both EOD and momentary reports, thus the EOD items from these hybrid studies are presented with the diary studies and the momentary items from these hybrid studies are presented with the EMA studies.