Figure 5. The expression level and potential function of SAA1 and TIMP1.
(A) SAA1 significantly increased in glioblastomas; (B) The expression level of SAA1 have no significant difference in LGG; (C) TIMP1 significantly increased in glioblastomas; (D) TIMP1 is significantly higher in astrocytoma than oligodendroglioma and oligoastrocytoma; (E) and (F) SAA1 and TIMP1 increase in both IDH mutant and IDH wild type. The same results were found in MGMT promoter and non-deletion of chromosome 1p.19q; (G) and (H) SAA1 and TIMP1 played important roles in MES-like in the IDH wild type; (I) and (J) SAA1 regulates biology process associated with inflammatory response processes and cytokine mediated signaling pathway; (K) and (L) TIMP1 negatively regulates adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination of immune receptors built from a leucine-rich superfamily and TIMP1 also negatively regulates response to interferons.