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. 2019 Feb;11(2):456–464. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2018.12.123

Table 1. Demographic and baseline clinical characteristics of patients with thymic tumors and other mediastinal tumors included for central review.

Characteristic N=49 [%]
   F 27 [55]
   M 22 [45]
Age at diagnosis (median, range) 61 [22–88]
Biopsy 29 [59]
Radical surgery 35 [71]
Tumor type
   Thymic 41 [84]
   Other 8 [16]
Masaoka stage1,2
   I 11 [27]
   II 12 [29]
   III 10 [24]
   IV 8 [20]
Autoimmune disease1 6 [15]
Radiotherapy1 6 [15]
Chemotherapy1 9 [22]
Median follow up in years from initial diagnosis (range) 4 [0–16]
Follow up status
   Dead 12 [25]
   Disease free 32 [65]
   Stable disease 5 [10]

1, only patients with thymic tumors; 2, updated retrospectively based on medical records if not present in pathology report.