SOX9+ Hepatocytes Contribute Parenchymal Restoration after CCl4-Induced Liver Damage
(A) Experimental strategy for tamoxifen treatment (Tam) and tissue analysis at different time points after injury.
(B) Sirius red staining of liver sections from oil (Control) or CCl4-treated mice.
(C) Whole-mount fluorescence view of Sox9-CreER;Hnf4a-DreER;Rosa26-Ai66 liver after oil (Control) or CCl4 treatment or recovery.
(D) Immunostaining for RFP, CK19, and E-CAD on liver sections shows the expansion of RFP+ hepatocytes following injuries.
(E) Quantification of RFP+ hepatocytes in control, injury, or recovery groups. Data are mean ± SEM, n = 5; ∗p < 0.05.
(F) Cartoon image showing expansion of SOX9+ hepatocytes after injury.
Scale bars, 200 μm (B), 1 mm (C, left), 500 μm (C, right), and 100 μm (D).