Determination of colony-forming units (CFU) of vegetative C. difficile per gram faeces during the following treatments with WPI 10.000 (A), WPI 1000 (B) WPI 100 (C) vancomycin (D), control-WPI (E), vehicle (F). For each hamster fecal samples were taken twice daily on days 1–6 and on days 7, 8, 10, 14 and 21 to determine the CFU of vegetative cells (CFU-veg) of C. difficile in indicated treatments. Up to 20 bars of one group are displayed for the individual animals (on day 1–6 the 2 samples are superimposed). Accordingly, on day 20 there are 10 bars in the WPI 10,000 group, 1 in the vancomycin/control-WPI group and 0 after vehicle treatment. CFU/g detection limit was 3.11 log10.