Fig. 5.
Metabolite data from mTBI patients (blue stars) and controls (red asterisks) for (a.) global WM NAA, (b.) mI and (c.) NAA/mI, with fitted normal distributions (solid red: controls; dashed blue: patients): , , , , , . NAA decreases and mI slightly increases, with the only statistically significant change being that of NAA as determined by a double-sided t-test (p=0.042). Note the increased variability of the ratio distribution in (c), introduced by dividing by mI. The sample sizes required to observe each change (Eq. [4]) are NNAA=10, NmI=72, NNAA/mI=14, and the AUROCs are AUROCNAA=0.70, AUROCmI=0.58, AUROCNAA/mI=0.68, showing absolute quantification is superior to metabolic ratios in detecting mTBI WM injury.