Fig. 3.
—Average fraction of genome bound by proteins over evolutionary age groups. (A) Per age group, the average fraction of YELLOW and RED chromatin to which CAPs bind, with 95% confidence intervals obtained by bootstrap analysis. The average is calculated on the “raw” fraction bound as displayed in figure 1. In addition, points annotated with numbers, indicate the number of proteins per age group classified as bound to a given chromatin type (fraction for a chromatin type >0.1). (B) Average proportion of CAPs of each evolutionary age group that bind both YELLOW and RED (fraction for both chromatin types >0.1). Again, 95% confidence intervals were obtained by bootstrap analysis, and annotated points are number of proteins bound per age group. In both panels, the bootstrap procedure was as follows: for each age group, say of size n, we resample n proteins for 1,000 times. For panel (A), we compute each time the average fraction of YELLOW and RED bound by the resampled proteins, while for panel (B), we count the CAPs that bind both chromatin types >0.1. See figure 1 “Fraction bound in chromatin types” for the fraction of chromatin bound by individual proteins.