Fig. 2.
Motor impairment of upper extremity: Fugl–Meyer Assessment at 3 time points: baseline (red), post-intervention (blue), and 3 months follow-up (gray), for high frequency (HF) rTMS, low frequency (LF) rTMS and sham group. Values are mean ± SEM. Patients in all groups significantly improved at post-intervention compared to baseline (*p < 0.001). Both the real rTMS groups had significantly larger improvement in the FMA score than the sham group (ANOVA “group × time” interaction: p < 0.001). Finally, motor function was still significantly different between groups (ANOVA “group × time” interaction: p = 0.047) when adding patients with 3 months follow-up data (n = 44). rTMS, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)