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. 2019 Mar 5;13:23. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2019.00023

Table 1.

Statistical report for rearing and grooming events in pubescent and adult rats from both sexes tested 24 h after a single in vivo exposure to WIN55,212-2 (2 mg/kg, s.c.).

Sham WIN
Median Quartiles n Median Quartiles n p U
Rearing ♂ Pubescent 37.50 32.75/46.00 10 38.00 31.00/43.50 9 0.826 42
♂ Adult 35.50 25.25/44.00 8 36.00 16.50/40.00 9 0.524 29
♀ Pubescent 35.00 25.00/40.50 9 37.00 30.50/45.00 13 0.502 48
♀ Adult 22.00 19.50/30.50 5 28.00 23.00/44.00 7 0.162 8.5
Grooming ♂ Pubescent 0.50 0/2.25 10 2.00 1.00/3.00 9 0.129 26.5
♂ Adult 1.00 0.25/1.75 8 1 1.00/3.00 9 0.395 26.5
♀ Pubescent 1.00 0/2.50 9 1 1.00/5.00 13 0.732 53
♀ Adult 2.00 0.50/4.50 5 3.00 0/5.00 7 0.977 17

The number of rearing and grooming was counted during the acquisition trial in the novel object recognition test. Quartiles, 25 and 75% percentiles; n, number of animals; Mann-Whitney U-test; ♂ males; ♀ females.