Figure 5.
CAI-1 promotes the expression of EPEC virulence genes. WT EPEC was grown statically in 1:1 DMEM:plain LB medium in a CO2 incubator in the presence (25 μM) or the absence [0.25% (v/v) DMSO supplement alone] of CAI-1 for 2 h. mRNA levels of tir, which encodes the main effector protein secreted by the T3SS, of espA and espB, which encode T3SS translocator proteins, and of escJ, which encodes a structural T3SS protein, were measured by qRT-PCR. mRNA levels of WT EPEC grown in the presence of CAI-1 (gray bars) are presented relative to those of WT EPEC grown in the absence of CAI-1 (white bars). Data are the means of at least three experiments; bars represent standard error; **P < 0.005.