Fig. 5.
Results of the regional microstructural analysis (continued).
Part A shows the overall effect of gestational age (GA) group on axial diffusivity (left column) and radial diffusivity (right column), adjusted for postmenstrual age at time of scan. The clusters where there was evidence that the diffusion measures differed between the four GA groups are shown in red-yellow, overlaid on the mean fractional anisotropy image.
Part B shows the directional differences between each preterm group and the full-term (FT) group. Clusters that had higher values in each preterm group compared with the FT group are red-yellow; clusters that had lower values in each preterm group compared with the FT group are blue-light blue.
Part C shows the directional differences between the preterm sub-groups [very (VP), moderate (MP) and late (LP) preterm]. Clusters that had higher values in the VP group compared with the MP or LP group are red-yellow; clusters that had lower values in the VP group compared with the MP or LP group are blue-light blue.
In each part, the number of significant voxels and their % of the total mean fractional anisotropy skeleton (10,361 voxels) are also reported.
TFCE = threshold free cluster enhancement. FWE = family-wise error rate. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)