Table 1.
Description of variables.
Variable | Description |
Outcomes | |
Health Care | |
Private Health Insurance | Dummy variable that equals one when the child has private health insurance |
Medicine Use | Dummy variable that equals one when the child took medicines in the 2 weeks previous, including vitamin or medicine for fever. |
Private Health Insurance Expenditures | Out-of-pocket expenditure (monthly premiums) on private health insurance (BRL). |
Medicine Expenditures | Out-of-pocket expenditure for medicines on children in the 30 days previous to the interview (BRL). |
Sum of Expenditures |
Sum of out-of-pocket expenditure on medicines; private health insurance; Doctor's appointments; laboratory tests and r-rays; and others for children in the 30 days previous to the interview (BRL). |
Non-Need Variables | |
Income | Natural logarithm of income that is the sum of income (last month) of all household individuals divided by square root of household member number. |
Asset Index | Construction of one index using principal components analysis (in quintiles at wave). Variables used (the child has in his household): vacuum cleaner; washing machine; DVD; refrigerator; microwave; computer; cell phone; TV; automobile; air conditioner. |
Mother's Education | Mother's education in years. |
Partner | Dummy variable that equals one when the mother lives with a partner |
Mother's skin colour |
Dummy variable, white = 1; brown, black, other = 0. |
Need Variables | |
Children's Characteristics | |
Sex | Dummy variable, girl = 1; boy = 0. |
Reported Health | Children's health reported by mother, categorical variable (excellent = 1, very good = 2, good = 3, regular and bad = 4). |
Wheezing Chest | Child had wheezing in the Chest in the last 12 months: yes = 1, no = 0. |
Chronic Disease | Dummy variable that equals one when the child has chronic diseases, physical problem or learning disability. |
Low Birthweight | Dummy variable that equals zero when the child was born with a weight below 2500 g |
Hospitalization | Dummy variable that equals one when the child was hospitalized during the first year of life. |
Earache | Dummy variable that equals one when the child had an earache pain during the first year of life. |
Pneumonia | Dummy variable that equals one when the child had pneumonia during the first year of life. |
Urinary Infection | Dummy variable that equals one when the child had urinary infection during the first year of the life. |
Breastfeeding Duration |
Breastfeeding duration in months classified in following five categories: 0; 1 to 3; 4 to 5; 6 to 11; and 12 months or more. |
Mother's characteristics |
Age | Mother's age in years. |
Smoked during pregnancy | Dummy variable that equals zero when the child's mother smoked during the pregnancy. |
Self-reported health | Mother's reported health, categorical variable (excellent = 1, very good = 2, good = 3, regular and bad = 4). |
Notes: Mother's education was unavailable at wave 12 months. In this case, we used the values from the first wave (perinatal). Income and health expenditure variables were deflated for December 2011 (R$-BRL). Less than 1% of income values were zero, and they were transformed as 1 (R$) for the use of natural log. For mother's and child's reported health, the categories regular and bad were joined because the proportion of individuals responding bad is very small.