Figure 1.
Experimental layout and the DNMS T-maze Task. (A) Experimental time-line. L - learning session; T - Testing session, anx - anxiety-like behavioral test. (B) A schematic depiction of the T-maze apparatus and its adjustment to EAE-affected mice (dashed lines). An illustrated example of one trial comprised of a ‘forced’ run in which the reward is located in the left arm, and a ‘choice’ run in which the reward is located in the right arm. (C) Acquiring the DNMS T-maze task. Training was performed every other day for seven consecutive learning sessions (L1–L7), each daily session consisting of a set of six forced-choice runs. The number of correct responses (Mean ± SEM) in the ‘Choice’ runs, of 35 mice that achieved the inclusion criterion (at least five correct responses for both L6 and L7) is shown.