Figure 7.
Surface-enhanced fluorescence. (A) Metal-enhanced fluorescence on a Ag film. (i) The photograph shows fluorescence spots on quartz (top) and silver (bottom) taken through 530 nm long pass filter for Cy3-DNA. (ii) Emission spectra of Cy3-DNA on APS-treated slides, with (solid line) and without silver island films (dotted line). Reprinted with permission from [113]. Copyright 2003 Future Science Group. (B) Schematic illustration of an aptamer-based AgNP nanosensor, showing the ‘off’ state via fluorophore quenching within short distances (left) and ‘on’ state via turn-on fluorescence signal (right) based on the spacing distance between the Cyanine 3 and the AgNP surface in the detection of adenosine. Reprinted with permission from [114]. Copyright 2012 Elsevier.