Figure 2.
Morphological effects of chemo-blended Ag NPs on wheat. Six-day-old wheat seedlings were treated without and with 5 ppm Ag NPs, 5 ppm Ag NPs/10 ppm nicotinic acid, 5 ppm Ag NPs/0.75% KNO3, and 5 ppm Ag NPs/10 ppm nicotinic acid/0.75% KNO3. Photographs of wheat seedlings show the 9th, 11th, and 13th day with and without blended Ag NPs. Black bar in each photograph indicates size in mm. Shoot length, shoot fresh weight, root length, and root fresh weight were analyzed on the 9th, 11th, and 13th day. The data are presented as mean ± S.D. from three independent biological replicates. Mean values at each point with different letters (a,b,c,d) are significantly different according to Tukey’s multiple range test (p b 0.05).