Figure 5.
Structural model of the 4F2hc-LAT2 heterodimeric complex based on the cryo-EM 3D-map. The model is shown from the extracellular side (A), the membrane plane (B), and the cytoplasmic side (C). The structure of 4F2hc-LAT2 is displayed as ribbon representation, and the structural elements of 4F2hc-ED (PDB ID code 2DH2) are colored as in Figure 4 (N-terminal region, red; TIM-barrel subdomain, cyan; C-terminal eight antiparallel β-strand subdomain, blue). Whereas the modeled TMD of 4F2hc is shown in magenta, the LAT2 homology model (LAT2HM) is presented in orange. Individual atoms of the disulfide bridge between 4F2hc and LAT2 are shown as green spheres. In panel (B) the putative substrate entry side is represented by an L-Leu molecule (grey sticks) and an arrow.