Results of the univariate and multivariate analyses contrasting weak and strong responders. The 3D rendering shows, respectively, the unthresholded SPM-t map for the weak responders < strong responders univariate SPM comparison (warmer colors indicate lower gray matter density) and the voxel-wise weights obtained from the multivariate support vector machine classification (warmer colors regions contributing to weak responders' classification, arbitrary units). The slice views for the univariate analysis report in red the results surviving the cluster-level correction for multiple comparisons (p < .05 FWE), while for the multivariate analyses, the regions showing higher weights for the classification of the weak vs. strong responders are shown. On the right, the overlay between the two thresholded maps is shown in orange. Images shown in neurological orientation: left of the brain corresponds to the left of the image. 3D rendering plotted with BrainNet Viewer 1.61 (