Calls” |
James Rodrigue, PhD |
jrrodrig@bidmc.harvard.edu |
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center |
Boston, MA, USA |
Team at Home” |
Emma Massey, PhD |
e.massey@erasmusmc.nl |
Erasmus Medical Center |
Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
“TALK” |
L. Ebony Boulware, MD |
ebony.boulware@duke.edu; http://ckddecisions.org/
Duke University School of
Medicine, |
Durham, NC, USA |
“ACTS” |
Kimberly Jacob Arriola, PhD |
kjacoba@sph.emory.edu |
Emory University School of
Medicine |
Atlanta, GA, USA |
“Infórmate” |
Elisa Gordon, PhD |
e-gordon@northwestern.edu |
Northwestern University School of
Medicine Chicago, IL, USA |
www.informate.org |
“Structured Education” |
Brenda R. Hemmelgarn, MD, PhD |
brenda.hemmelgarn@albertahealthservices.ca |
Foothills Medical Centre |
Calgary, Alberta, Canada |
Navigators” |
Prabhakar Baliga, MD |
baligap@musc.edu |
Medical University of South
Carolina Charleston, SC, USA |
Donor Family Education” |
Clarence Foster, MD |
foster@uci.edu |
University of California Irvine,
Orange, CA, USA |
on Saturdays” |
Wendy Brown, MD |
wendy.brown@imperial.nhs.uk |
Hammersmith Hospital, London,
UK |
Donor Champion” |
Dorry Segev, MD |
dorry@jhmi.edu |
Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine Baltimore, MD, USA |
Transplant Education |
Elisa Gordon, PhD |
e-gordon@northwestern.edu |
Northwestern University School of
Medicine Chicago, IL, USA |
education |
Samantha DeLair, MSE |
sdelair@nyclt.org; http:/www.nyclt.org/living_donor/
New York Center for Liver
Transplantation |
East Greenbush, NY, USA |
“Pre-Dialysis Education” |
Erdem Cankaya, MD & Mustafa
Keles, MD |
Ataturk University Medical
School |
Erzurum, Turkey |
Donation Education” |
Liise Kayler, MD |
lkayler@ecmc.edu |
Erie County Medical Center,
Buffalo, NY, USA |
Social Media /
Facebook Apps |
Andrew Cameron, MD |
acamero5@jhmi.edu |
Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine Baltimore, MD, USA |
Transplant Coach” |
Explore Transplant |
Health Literacy Media |
St. Louis, MO, USA |