TCR-NK-92 mimic T cells in their lytic effector functions both in vitro and in vivo.
(a)-Antigen-specific lytic function of TCR-NK-92 cells (Radium-1 and DMF-5) measured by europium release assay. Bar graph showing % of target cells (K562:HLA-A2), either loaded or not with the cognate peptide, that were killed at 50:1 or 25:1 E:T ratio. (n = 3). Error bars represent SD. (b) Kinetic of tumor cell killing. TCR(Radium-1)-NK-92, NK-92 and CD3-NK-92 were co-cultured with Granta-519 cells either expressing or not the cognate peptide (pep). The killing is expressed as red object density by Annexin V assay. (n = 32). Error bars represent SD. (c) Representative micrographs of HCT116 spheroids treated with TCR(Radium-1)-NK-92, TCR(DMF-5)-NK-92 or medium. Scale bar 200 μm. (d) Evolution of the average spheroids size upon treatment with TCR(Radium-1)-NK-92, TCR(DMF-5)-NK-92 or medium. (n = 28). Error bars represent SD. (e) Design of in vivo experiment using HCT116 xenograft mouse model. 10 mice per condition. (f) Evolution of tumor volume over time in treated (TCR(Radium-1)-NK-92) and untreated (TCR(DMF-5)-NK-92) mice. Error bars represent SD. (g) Corresponding Kaplan-Meier estimator. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)