Fig. 1.
Expression of cytosolic 5′-nucleotidase 1A (NT5C1A) in resected PDAC patients and in the KPC mouse model. Tissue microarrays (TMA) from A) Goettingen (TMA-1, n = 77) and B) Erlangen (TMA-2, n = 337). Score 0 = no NT5C1A expression, score 3 indicates strong intratumoral expression of NT5C1A. C) Representative images of TMA-1 for tumoral expression of NT5C1A scored with score 0, score 1, score 2, and score 3 (from left to right). Scale bars 20 μm. D) and E) Survival analysis of patients from the Goettingen TMA cohort (D) and the Erlangen TMA cohort (E). Median survival of TMA-1 with low = 18.5 months (n = 27) and high = 15 months (n = 38; p = .5, log-rank test) and of TMA-2 with low = 17 months (n = 101) and high = 16.4 months (n = 235; p = .3, log-rank test). F) Representative images of NT5C1A immunohistochemistry in KPC mice with PanINs (upper image) and invasive carcinoma (lower image). Scale bars 20 μm. G) NT5C1A-mRNA expression in KPC bulk tissue (n = 3 mice) and control normal pancreas (n = 2 mice). Mean ± SEM of two technical replicates is shown for each mouse. Murine muscle was used as positive control and values were normalized to the housekeeping gene β-actin.