Fig. 7.
PNA5 MasR activation inhibits ROS formation in HUVECs. ROS production was measured via DHE (5 μM, 30 minutes) fluorescence measured using confocal microscopy. ROS production was induced by incubating HUVECs in Ang II (200 nM) for 8 hours. PNA5 or the MasR antagonist (2 μM) was added 5 hours prior to Ang II. Measurements are an average of DHE integrated density from 10 to 20 cells per group. (A) Representative photomicrographs of Ang II (200 nM), Ang II + PNA5 (100 nM), and Ang II + PNA5 + A779 (2 μM). (B) PNA5 significantly inhibited ROS generation at all concentrations tested. The MasR antagonist A779 blocked effects of the PNA5 MasR agonist (*P < 0.05, one-way ANOVA, Bonferroni post hoc test).