Fig. 8.
Effects of PNA5 on serum inflammatory biomarkers. One week post-MI, mice were administered (1 mg/kg) PNA5 or saline by subcutaneous injection for 1 week (three groups, n = 6–8 each). Control mice were given saline. Two weeks post-MI, blood was collected from HF and control mice in murine EDTA tubes, centrifuged to obtain plasma, and rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen. Plasma cytokines, chemokines, and additional inflammatory analytes were detected and quantified by multiplex immunoassay using a MAGPIX Multiplexing Instrument and accompanying Multiplex Analyst software (EMD Millipore). The results were sorted according to the level of expression of cytokines: Low (A), Medium (B), or High (C). Shown are the absolute levels of expression of each cytokine in HF-PNA5 (n = 8), HF-saline (n = 7) and control (n = 6) animals. *P < 0.05 HF-PNA5 vs. PF-saline; #P < 0.05 HF-PNA5 vs. control; ANOVA. All samples were run in triplicate.