Figure 6.
Renal tissue morphological assessment by histopathology using (A) hematoxylin and eosin staining, periodic acid–Schiff staining, Masson’s trichrome staining (magnification: 20×); the arrows highlight morphological change. Representative bar graph showing quantitative analysis of (B) nephritic injury index, (C) glomerular sclerosis score, and (D) tubulointerstitial fibrosis. Values are represented as mean ± SEM (n=6). P<0.05 was considered as significant. Statistical comparison: *Control vs STZ; **STZ vs STZ + PPE-AuNP (5 mg/kg); ***STZ vs STZ + PPE-AuNP (15 mg/kg); #STZ vs STZ + PPE-AuNP (25 mg/kg).
Abbreviations: AuNP, gold nanoparticle; H&E, hematoxylin and eosin; MT, Masson’s trichrome; NS, nonsignificant; PAS, periodic acid-Schiff; PPE, pomegranate peel extract; SEM, standard error of mean; STZ, streptozotocin.