Figure 2.
Arrayed ZnO nanoparticles on Si wafers.
Notes: (A) In situ array on an Si wafer and (B–P) FE-SEM images with EDS spectra. Synthesized ZnO nanoparticles were loaded at (B–E) 1.0, (F–I) 0.5, (J–M) 0.1, and (N–Q) 0.05 mg per unit Si wafer (0.5×0.5 cm2). O at 53 eV; Zn at 103 eV, 864 eV, and 957 eV in EDS spectra. (E, I, M, and Q) Scanned images of ZnO nanoparticles on Si wafers were added onto EDS spectra.
Abbreviations: EDS, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy; FE-SEM, field emission-scanning electron microscopy; Si, silicon; ZnO, zinc oxide.