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. 2019 Mar 12;14(3):e0213412. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213412

Table 3. Univariate associations with GiW dietary patterns, identified by linear regression.

‘Western’ ‘Health conscious’
B 95% CI B 95% CI
Fetal sex
 Female ref ref
 Male .02 -.20, .25 .18 -.04, .41
Maternal BMI at booking .01 -.01, .03 -.04*** -.06, -.02
Maternal age at booking -.03** -.05, -.01 .07*** .05, .09
 Multiparous ref ref
 Nulliparous .16 -.13, .44 -.08 -.36, .20
Gestational weight gain (kg) .00 -.02, .01 .00 -.01, .02
Gestational Diabetes (GDM)
 No ref ref
 Yes -.11 -.63, .42 .27 -.25, .79
Highest education level
 Left before GCSE .54** .02, 1.06 -.66** -1.14, -.19
 GCSE & Vocational .35** .04, .66 -.76*** -1.04, -.47
 A-level .10 -.29, .49 -.73*** -1.08, -.37
 University ref ref
 Postgraduate -.06 -.37, .25 .30** .02, .57
Family income
 <18,000 .16 -.25, .56 -.92*** -1.31, -.53
 18–25,000 .42** .02, .83 -.42** -.81, -.03
 25–43,000 -.02 -.32, .28 -.61*** -.90, -.32
 >43,000 ref ref
 Do not wish to say .60** .24, .96 .37** -.72, -.02
 Natural ref ref
 Assisted .04 -.52, .59 .09 -.46, .65
Smoking in pregnancya
 No ref ref
 Yes .43** .06, .80 -.53** -.90, -.16
Alcohol in pregnancya
 No ref ref
 Yes .02 -.22, .26 .01 -.22, .25
Strenuous exercise
 No ref ref
 Yes -.31** -.60, -.01 .59** .29, .88
WIMD score -2.68x10-4** -4.44x10-4, -9.14x10-5 2.41x10-4** 6.54x10-5, 4.17x10-4

Ref, Reference; BMI, Body mass index; WIMD, Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation.

aAt any point in pregnancy.

** p < .05,

*** p < .001.