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. 2019 Mar 12;14(3):e0212405. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0212405

Table 3. Medicines reported out of stock during the three months prior to contact in South African facilities.

Name and formulation of medicine Number of reported stock-outs (%)* Name and formulation of medicine Number of reported stock-outs (%)*
(LPV/r) Lopinavir/Ritonavir 200mg/50mg, tablet 348 (24%) (EFV) Efavirenz 50mg, tablet 14 (1%)
(ABC) Abacavir 600mg, tablet 278 (19%) (R/H) Rifampicin/Isoniazid 300/150mg, tablet 14 (1%)
(3TC) Lamivudine 150 or 300 mg, tablet 197 (13%) (RHZE) Rifampicin/Isoniazid /Pyrazinamide/Ethambutol 150/75/400/275mg, tablet 12 (0.8%)
(AZT) Zidovudine 300mg, tablet 72 (5%) (TDF/FTC) Tenofovir/ Emtricitabine 300/200mg, tablet 9 (0.6%)
(ABC) Abacavir 60mg tablet or 20mg/ml solution 71 (5%) (R/H) Rifampicine/Isoniazid 60/60mg, tablet 9 (0.6%)
TDF/FTC/EFV Tenofovir/Emtricitabine/Efavirenz 300/200/600mg, tablet 62 (4%) (RTV) Ritonavir 100mg, tablet 8 (0.5%)
(LPV/r) Lopinavir/Ritonavir 80/20mg/ml, solution 57 (4%) (D4T) Stavudine 30mg, tablet 7 (0.5%)
(LPV/r) Lopinavir/Ritonavir 100/25mg, tablet 36 (2%) (D4T) Stavudine 15mg or 20 mg, tablet 7 (0.5%)
(EFV) Efavirenz 200mg, tablet 30 (2%) (ABC/3TC) Abacavir/Lamivudine 600/300mg, tablet 6 (0.4%)
(NVP) Nevirapine 50mg/50ml, solution 27 (2%) (AZT) Zidovudine solution 50mg/5ml 6 (0.4%)
(EFV) Efavirenz 600mg, tablet 26 (2%) (E) Ethambutol 400mg, tablet 5 (0.3%)
(NVP) Nevirapine 200mg, tablet 26 (2%) (R) Rifampicin 300mg, capsule 5 (0.3%)
(DDi) Didanosine, tablet 21 (1%) (PZA) Pyrazinamide 150mg, tablet 4 (0.3%)
(3TC) Lamivudine 10mg/ml solution 21 (1%) (PZA) Pyrazinamide 500mg, tablet 4 (0.3%)
(INH) Isoniazid 300mg, tablet 21 (1%) (Lvx) Levofloxacin 250 or 500mg, tablet 4 (0.3%)
(R/H) Rifampicin/Isoniazid 150/75mg, tablet 18 (1%) (RTV) Ritonavir 80mg/ml, solution 3 (0.2%)
(TDF) Tenofovir 300mg, tablet 15 (1%) Other 10 (0.7%)
(AZT) Zidovudine 100mg, tablet 14 (1%)

* Percentages are number of reported stock-outs for individual medicine divided by total number of reported stock-outs (1475)