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. 2019 Mar 5;31(1):33–39. doi: 10.5371/hp.2019.31.1.33

Table 1. Anatomical Description and Patients Position of the Approaches.

Original articles Modified Watson-Jones16,13) Distal part of Smith-Peterson14,15) Modified Harding16,17) Moore18,19) Superior capsulotomy20)
Anatomical description Between gluteus medius and tensor fascia latae Between tensor fascia latae and sartorius Between fascia latae and gluteus maximus Splitting of gluteus maximus Splitting of gluteus maximus
Dissection of anterior third of gluteus medius and minimus Incision of piriformis, conjoined tendon and the obturator externus Between piriformis and gluteus medius
Patients position Supine Supine Lateral Lateral Lateral
Femoral preparation position Extended 20° Extended 30° Flexed 70° Flexed 70° Flexed 70°
adducted 30° adducted 15° adducted 20° adducted 20° adducted 30°
ER 90° ER 90° ER 90° IR 90° IR 20°

ALS: anterolateral supine approach, DAA: direct anterior approach, DLA: direct lateral approach, PA: posterior approach, SA: superior approach, ER: external rotation, IR: internal rotation.