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. 2019 Mar 7;24(3):363–375.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2018.12.013

anti-total Tau clone 7 (IF 1:100, WB 1:1000) EMD Millipore MAB2239 RRID:AB_1587549
anti-pS202/T205 Tau (IF 1:50, WB 1:500) Peter Davies CP13 RRID:AB_2314223
anti-pS396/S404 Tau (IF 1:50, WB 1:500) Peter Davies PHF1 RRID:AB_2315150
anti-pThr231 conformational (IF 1:50) Peter Davies TG3 RRID:AB_2716726
anti-MAP2 (IF 1:1000) Abcam ab5392 RRID:AB_2138153
anti-neurofilament 131/132 (IF 1:5000) Covance SMI31 RRID:AB_2314901
anti-Actin clone C4 (WB 1:50,000) EMD Millipore MAB1501 RRID:AB_2223041
anti-APLP2 (WB 1:1000) Calbiochem/Millipore 171617 RRID:AB_565357
anti-APP A4 clone 22C11 (WB 1:1000) EMD Millipore MAB348 RRID:AB_94882
anti-APP C-Terminal (WB 1:500) EMD Millipore 171610 RRID:AB_211444
anti-total Tau (WB 1:1000) Sigma T6402 RRID:AB_261728
anti-histone 3 clone (WB 1:1000) Upstate/Millipore 06-755 RRID:AB_11211742
anti-LC3b (WB 1:1000) Novus biologicals NB600-1384 RRID:AB_669581
anti-ubiquitin (WB 1:250) EMD Millipore MAB1510 RRID:AB_2180556
anti-Phospho-4E-BP1 (Thr37/46) (WB 1:1000) Cell Signaling Antibody #9459 RRID:AB_330985
anti-p70 S6 Kinase Antibody (WB 1:1000) Cell Signaling Antibody #9202 RRID:AB_331676
anti-4E-BP1 Antibody (WB 1:1000) Cell Signaling Antibody #9452 RRID:AB_331692
anti-Phospho-p70 S6 Kinase (Thr389) (WB 1:1000) Cell Signaling 108D2, Antibody RRID:AB_2269803
Anti-PSMC2 (D5T1T)) (WB 1:1000) Cell Signaling #14395 RRID:AB_2752224
anti-PSMB5 (WB 1:1000) Enzo Lifesciences Cat# BML-PW8895 RRID: AB_10540901
anti-GAPDH (WB 1:1000) Life Technologies AM4300 RRID: AB_2536381
anti-Nestin Clone 25/NESTIN (RUO) (1:500) BD 611658 RRID:AB_399176
anti-S100b (1:500) Proteintech 15146-1-AP RRID:AB_2254244
anti-Vamp2 (aka synaptobrevin 2) (1:1000) synaptic systems 104 211 RRID:AB_887811
anti- Syntaxin 1 (1:5000) Gift from the Thomas Sudhof lab polyclonal #I379
anti-Synaptotagmin (1:2000 Gift from the Thomas Sudhof lab polyclonal #W855
Tra-181-647 BD 560124 RRID:AB_1645449
CD184-APC (FC 1:10) BD 555976 RRID:AB_398616
CD44-PE (FC 1:10) BD 555479 RRID:AB_395871
CD24-PECy7 (FC 1:40) BD 561646 RRID:AB_10892826
CD271-PE BD 557196 RRID:AB_396599

Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins

T0901317 Sigma T2320
GW501516 Enzo life sciences 89150-762
Rosiglitazone Sigma R2408
Atorvastatin calcium salt Sigma PZ001
Simvastatin Sigma S6196
Rosuvastatin Sigma SML1264
Fluvastatin Sigma SML0038
Mevastatin Tocris 1526
Lovastatin Sigma PHR1285
Mevalonolactone (Mevalonic Acid) Sigma M4777
(R)-Mevalonic acid 5-pyrophosphoate tetralithium salt Sigma 77631
Mevalonic acid 5-phosphate thrilithium salt hydrate Sigma 79849
Methyl-β-cyclodextrin Sigma C4555
YM-53601 Cayman Chemicals 18113
AY 9944 dihydrochloride Tocris 1639
FTI-227 trifluoroacetate salt Sigma F9803
GGTI-298 trifluoracetate salt hydrate Sigma G5169
Fatostatin hydrobromide Sigma F8932
24(S)-hydroxycholesterol Cayman Chemicals 10009931
chloroquine diphosphate salt Sigma C6628
MG-132 (InSolution) Calbiochem 37391
Cholestane Sigma-Aldrich C8003
N-Methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (MSTFA) ThermoFisher TS48910
dry pyridine Sigma-Aldrich 270970
sodium hydroxide solution 10M (BioUltra) Sigma Aldrich 72068
Ri, Y-27632 dihydrochloride Abcam ab120129
SB431542 Stemgent 4-0010
Noggin R&D 3344-NG
Proteasome activity probe 1 Berkers et al., 2007, de Jong et al., 2012 N/A
SCR7 Excess Bioscience M60082-2
L-755,507 Sigma SML1362
K-604 Sigma SML1837

Critical Commercial Assays

Phospho(Thr231)/Total Tau Kit MSD K15121D-3
V-PLEX Ab Peptide Panel 1 (6E10) Kit (25 Plate) MSD K15200E-4
24(S)-Hydroxycholesterol ELISA kit Enzo ADI-900-210-0001
CellTiter-Glo® Luminescent Cell Viability Assay Promega G7571
CellTiter 96® AQueous One Solution Cell Proliferation Assay Promega G3580
Pierce LDH Cytotoxicity Assay Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific 88954
Amplex Red Cholesterol Assay Kit ThermoFisher Scientific A12216
Lipidyzer Sciex N/A

Experimental Models: Cell Lines

CV (NPC) Gore et al., 2011 RRID:CVCL_1N86
151 (CV WT) (iPSC, NPC) Fong et al., 2018 RRID: CVCL_UI49
IB6 (APPnull in CV background) (iPSC, NPC) Fong et al., 2018 RRID:CVCL_UI22
B10 (CV Wt) (iPSC, NPC) This Paper RRID:CVCL_VR50
B11 (CV Wt) (iPSC, NPC) This Paper RRID:CVCL_VR51
3d9 (CV APP E693A) (iPSC, NPC) This Paper RRID:CVCL_VR53
2b2 (CV APP E693A) (iPSC, NPC) This Paper RRID:CVCL_VR52
D12 (CV APP E693A+F691A) (iPSC, NPC) This Paper RRID:CVCL_VR54
APPdp1.2 (iPSC, NPC) Israel et al., 2012 RRID:CVCL_EJ97
APPdp 1.6 (iPSC, NPC) Israel et al., 2012 RRID:CVCL_EJ96
APPdp 2.1 (iPSC, NPC) Israel et al., 2012 RRID:CVCL_EJ99
APP 1KO (APPnull in APPdp1.2 background) (iPSC, NPC) This Paper RRID: CVCL_UI23
NDC1 (M) NPC Israel et al., 2012, Young et al., 2015 RRID:CVCL_EJ84
NDC2 (M) NPC Israel et al., 2012, Young et al., 2015 RRID:CVCL_EJ87
NDC3 (M) NPC Young et al., 2015 RRID: CVCL_UB88
NDC4 (M) NPC Young et al., 2015 RRID: CVCL_UB89
NDC5 (M) NPC Young et al., 2015 RRID: CVCL_UB90
SAD1 (F) NPC Israel et al., 2012, Young et al., 2015 RRID: CVCL_EJ90
SAD2 (M) NPC Israel et al., 2012, Young et al., 2015 RRID: CVCL_EJ93
SAD3 (M) NPC Young et. al. 2015 RRID: CVCL_UB91
SAD4 (F) NPC Young et. al. 2015 RRID: CVCL_UB92
SAD5 (F) NPC Young et. al. 2015 RRID: CVCL_UB93
SAD6 (M) NPC Young et. al. 2015 RRID: CVCL_UB94
SAD7 (M) NPC Young et. al. 2015 RRID: CVCL_UB95

Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains

C57BL/6J Mice Jackson Laboratory 000664


Repair Oligos used to make CRISPR mutant lines See Table S6 This Paper N/A
Primers for amplification of APP Cholesterol Binding region See Table S6 This Paper N/A
APP Cholesterol binding region genomic DNA Sequencing Primer See Table S6 This Paper N/A
qPCR Primers See Table S6 This Paper N/A

Recombinant DNA

G7A: TOPO guide RNA plasmid for Generating cholesterol-mutant lines with target sequence: 5′GTGTTCTTTGCAGAAGATGTGGG3′ This Paper N/A
Guide RNA plasmid for generating APPnull line in APPdp-patient background with target sequence: 5′GGAGATCTCTGAAGTGAAGATGG3′ This Paper N/A
CMV::Cas9-2A-eGFP Sigma-Aldrich CAS9GFPP-1EA
CYP46A1-pDESTlentiFGA1.0. This Paper N/A
GFP-only plasmid-pDESTlentiFGA1.0. (pSyn(pr)EGFPLL3.7) This Paper N/A