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. 2019 Mar 12;9:4229. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-40450-8

Table 1.

Potential landscape, climate and host predictors considered in the analysis of bluetongue outbreaks in sheep in South India with mean values ± standard deviation (s.d.) across districts (see Methods for data sources).

Category Predictor name (abbreviation) Description and units of predictor Mean ± s.d.
Landscape post-flooding or irrigated croplands (irrig. crop) Areal coverage per district of post-flooding or irrigated croplands, class 11 from the Globcover 2009 dataset in km2 1395 ± 1218
rainfed croplands (rain crop) Areal coverage per district of rainfed croplands, class 14 from the Globcover 2009 dataset in km2 3440 ± 2691
mosaic cropland and vegetation (crop-veg mosaic) Areal coverage per district of mosaic cropland and vegetation (grassland/shrubland/forest mix) with 50–70% cropland, class 20 from the Globcover 2009 dataset in km2 1176 ± 1437
mosaic cropland and vegetation (veg-crop mosaic) Areal coverage per district of mosaic cropland and vegetation (grassland/shrubland/forest) with 50–70% vegetation, class 30 from the Globcover 2009 dataset in km2 297 ± 368
open broad-leaved deciduous forest (open decid.) Areal coverage per district of open broad-leaved deciduous forest, class 40 from the Globcover 2009 dataset in km2 417 ± 806
closed broad-leaved deciduous forest (closed decid.) Areal coverage per district of closed broad-leaved deciduous forest, class 50 from the Globcover 2009 dataset in km2 406 ± 589
urban areas and artificial surfaces (urban) Areal coverage per district of urban areas and artificial surfaces, class 190 from the Globcover 2009 dataset in km2 47 ± 71
Climate annual rainfall amount (ann_rain) Average annual rainfall amount per district over the study period in mm 1768 ± 468
south west monsoon rainfall amount (sw_rain) Average annual amount of rainfall each year falling in the south west monsoon period (June to September) per district (2004–2010) in mm 955 ± 410
north east monsoon rainfall amount (ne_rain) Average annual amount of rainfall each year falling in the north east monsoon period (October to December) per district (2004–2010) in mm 54 ± 51
mean annual temperature (ann_temp) Average annual temperature across the pixels in a district (1950–2000) in 0.1 °C 267 ± 18
Host buffalo (buffalo) Summed number of animals per district of buffalos from the 2007 livestock census 4.98 ± 0.71
non-descript sheep (nsheep) Summed number of animals per district of sheep of non-descript breeds of from the 2007 livestock census 4.78 ± 0.99
exotic and cross-bred sheep (esheep) Summed number of animals per district of sheep of exotic and cross-breeds from the 2007 livestock census 2.19 ± 1.65
indigenous cattle (icattle) Summed number of animals per district of cattle of indigenous breeds from the 2007 livestock census 5.20 ± 0.57
cross-bred cattle (cbcattle) Summed number of animals per district of cattle of cross-breeds from the 2007 livestock census 4.78 ± 0.67
goats (goats) Summed densities per district sheep of goats from the 2007 livestock census 5.24 ± 0.69