θ |
time-lag, [s] |
l |
membrane film thickness, [m] |
Deff,i |
effective diffusion coefficient of component i, [cm2/s] |
Peff,i |
effective permeability of component i, [Barrer] |
Ni |
volumetric flowrate of component i, [Nm3/h] |
Am |
membrane area, [m2] |
partial pressure difference between feed an permeate side of component i, [bar] |
Seff,i |
effective solubility coefficient of component i, [cm3STP/(cm3 cmHg)]; [mol/(m3 bar)] |
αij |
selectivity of component i and j, [-] |
glass transition temperature, [°C] |
T |
temperature, [°C] |
wAC |
weight content of AC in MMM, [%] |
mr,i |
remaining relative mass of AC, MMM or Matrimid®, [%] |
φAC |
volume content of AC in MMM, [%] |
ρi |
density of component i, [kg/m3] |
Mi |
molecular mass of the component i, [kg/mol] |
q |
adsorption concentration, [mol/m3] |
qmax |
the maximum adsorbed concentration possible for a monolayer coverage, [mol/m3] |
p |
pressure, [bar] |
b |
parameter for an adsorbate-adsorbent pair, [1/bar] |
H |
Henry coefficient, [mol/(m3 bar)] |
c |
concentration, [mol/m3] |
Pc |
permeability continuous phase, [Barrer] |
Pd |
permeability dispersed phase, [Barrer] |
φd |
volume fraction dispersed phase, [-] |