Figure 2. Release of obstruction promotes regeneration of the renal vasculature:
(A) Micro-dissection of the renal arterial trees revealed significant loss of vascular structures and collapse of the arterial tree after 8W of obstruction. Obstructed kidneys showed a marked decrease in arterial branching from 3rd order arteries onwards (ref: panel C). Release of obstruction, resulted in the growth and branching of the renal arterial tree achieving a pattern similar to sham kidneys. Note the increased density of the arterial tree in the right contralateral kidney opposite to the left obstructed kidney (Scale bars, 2mm). (B) Bar graph showing significant decrease in the number of arterial branches in obstructed kidneys (n=5) compared to sham operated kidneys (n=5). Kidneys with obstruction released after 1 week (n=3) displayed similar number of arterial branches when compared to shams (**P<0.01; ***P<0.001; NS-non significant). (C) Micrograph of a renal arterial tree showing examples of 1st to 5th order arterial branches.