Fig 4. Shift in size structure of large-herbivore biomass in the core Rift Valley count block.
Bars show the summed biomass densities (kilograms per square kilometer surveyed) of megaherbivores and mesoherbivores, respectively, averaged across all aerial counts within each temporal interval: pre-war surveys from 1969–1972 (n = 3), and post-war surveys in 1994–2002 (n = 5), 2004–2012 (n = 4), and 2014–2018 (n = 3). ‘Megaherbivores’ are defined here to include species with adult body mass ≥600 kg (elephant, hippo, buffalo); ‘mesoherbivores’ include the six species with body mass <600 kg (eland, zebra, sable, waterbuck, wildebeest, hartebeest) that were included in the pre-war surveys. Diamonds show the values obtained for each survey within each interval. Error bars show ± 1 standard error of the mean.