Figure 4. Connexin-43-mediated local and systemic ATP release contributes to macrophage over-activation via P2Y1.
(A) Extracellular ATP levels as assessed by luminescence of i.p. injected 5 × 106 HEK293-pmeLUC D-luciferin activated cells (in counts per second (cps)). Luminescence was significantly higher 10 hr after CLP compared to sham-operated controls. (B) Direct measurement of extracellular ATP in the plasma collected from vena cava inferior is elevated in response to CLP and higher in WT mice compared to MAC-CX43 KO mice (each dot is representative for a single animal, unpaired t-test). (C–D) Inhibition (Gap27 (1 µM)) or genetic deletion of CX43 decreased TNF-alpha (C) und IL-6 (D) secretion from peritoneal macrophages in response to stimulation with LPS (1 μg/ml) for 3 and 6 hr (removal of 7 outliers after ROUT test in Figure 4D)*. (E) IL-6 release was restored by activation of purinergic receptors by exogenous administration of ATPуS (10 nM) and abrogated in response to apyrase (100 IU/ml) (each dot is representative of an independent biological replicate, two-way ANOVA, representative of three experiments). (F–G) IL-6 release from peritoneal macrophages in response to LPS (1 µg/ml) and by blocking major P2X (G) and P2Y (H) purinergic receptors (N = 4)*. *Data represent independent biological replicates, compared by unpaired t-test and are representative of three or more independent experiments.