FTIR spectral comparison of X–D stretching vibrations in D2O at 77 K.
A–D, the Rh-PDE(TMD)K minus Rh-PDE(TMD) (A), CrCCR(C1C2)K minus CrCCR(C1C2) (B), BRK minus BR (C), and ASRK minus ASR (D) spectra in the 2800–1800 cm−1 region measured at 77 K upon hydration with D2O (red) or D218O (blue). Green-labeled frequencies correspond to those identified as O–D stretching vibrations of water. Purple-labeled and underlined frequencies in C are O–D stretches of Thr-89 and N–D stretches of the Schiff base in BR, respectively. Orange-labeled frequencies in D are S–H stretches of Cys in ASR. One division of the y axis corresponds to 0.001 absorbance units. The data in B–D are reproduced from Refs. 18, 19, and 17, respectively.