SsaG binds to SsaE in the presence of SsaH.
E. coli strains CS7141 (GST-SsaE), CS7142 (GST-SsaE, SsaG, SsaH, and SsaI), CS7143 (GST-SsaE, SsaG, and SsaH), CS7144 (GST-SsaE, SsaH, and SsaI), CS7145 (GST-SsaE and SsaH), and CS7168 (GST-SsaE and SsaG) were grown to exponential phase followed by the induction of gene expression by the addition of 1 mm IPTG for 3 h. GST-SsaE in each cell lysate was bound to MagneGST glutathione particles for 1 h at 4 °C. The bound proteins were incubated with PreScission protease to cleave the GST tag from the SsaE protein. Proteins separated by 16% Tricine gel were visualized with Oriole fluorescent gel stain (A) and immunostained with anti-SsaH antibody (B).