Solution structure of FABP1 in the absence and presence of GW7647.
A, ensemble of 10 conformers for apo WT FABP1. B, conformer closest to the mean of the ensemble for apo WT FABP1 in sausage format, with the width of the sausage representing the backbone RMSD. C, ensemble of 10 conformers for holo WT FABP1 bound to GW7647. D, conformer closest to the mean of the ensemble for holo WT FABP1 in sausage format, with the width of the sausage representing the backbone RMSD. E and F, overlay of apo and holo WT FABP1. The conformer closest to the mean of the ensemble is shown in both stick (E) and cartoon (F) format. Mutated residues are labeled. G, number of long-range NOEs assigned in the experimental NMR data presented per residue of apo (cyan) and holo (red) WT FABP1 and plotted against amino acid residue number.